This past weekend kicked off the start of the biggest holiday of the year in China: Lunar New Year.
Lunar New Year has been celebrated in China for over 5,000 years with a two-week Spring festival. Here in San Francisco, Chinese New Year celebrations started back in Levi Strauss’ days during the 1860’s Gold Rush.
2016 ushers in the Year of the Monkey. The Chinese zodiac is a twelve-year cycle represented by different animals and correlating personality attributes. Therefore, you were born in a “Monkey Year” if you were born in: 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, or 1932. (Or, find out what “animal” you are here.)
Approaching the Lunar New Year, it’s traditional to thoroughly clean your house, in order to make room for incoming luck. So it couldn’t be a better time to re-visit our tips for a closet cleanout or ways to declutter. And if you were lucky enough to receive a red envelope this year (red envelopes traditionally contain money as a symbol of happiness and good luck), check out our latest Levi’s® styles – and splurge on something new for the New Year!
In China, we’re celebrating the New Year with a new campaign that gives a fresh take on traditional sayings. The Chinese translations of phrases such as “Wealth Rolling In,” “Turn Your Fortunes Around” and “Taking Each Step Higher” are common refrains that people say to each other during the Lunar New Year holiday to wish prosperity and good health. As you can see, we’ve put a new spin on them in a playful and cheeky way – encouraging people to try something new, fun, and exciting this holiday.
However you are celebrating Lunar New Year, LS&Co. wishes you a happy and successful Year of the Monkey!

Over the Moon for Lunar New Year
February 9, 2016