Who made your clothes?
Fashion Revolution asked, we answered. And as a result, Levi Strauss & Co. ranked as the top apparel retailer out of 40 in its 2016 Fashion Transparency Index.
In partnership with Ethical Consumer magazine, Fashion Revolution – a nonprofit organization aimed at bringing awareness to the ethical approaches of fashion brands worldwide – published the transparency index to showcase those in the industry that are open about their supply chain practices.
“Transparency means companies know who makes their products – from who stitched them right through to who dyed the fabric and who farmed the cotton,” the report stated. “When companies are working in a transparent way, this also implies openness, communication and accountability across the supply chain and with the public too.”
While the average score for participating companies hovered around 42 percent, Levi Strauss & Co. scored 77 percent, higher than any other brand. That’s because transparency is part of our larger approach when it comes to our people, who we believe are at the center of our success.
Whether it’s our employees around the world, the apparel workers who make our clothes, or the people who wear our products, we are committed to doing right by all of them through programs like the Worker Well-being initiative, where we collaborate with suppliers to improve the lives of apparel workers in locations where our products are made.
Last month LS&Co. also publicly disclosed our innovative Water<Less™ techniques, which can save up to 96 percent of the water used in the denim finishing process. By open sourcing our learnings, we’re welcoming our competitors to build upon this to accelerate water conservation throughout the industry. Since 2011, we have saved more than 1 billion liters of water in our own manufacturing, and we’ve set a goal to use Water<Less™ techniques for 80 percent of our products by 2020.
For more information about our supply chain work, go to levistrauss.com/sustainability.

Levi Strauss & Co. Recognized For Supply Chain Transparency
April 19, 2016