
Behind Dockers® Always On Sessions

Levi Strauss & Co.
January 2, 2019

Dockers® are made for work. Born in a time when Casual Fridays were a new trend.

In 2017, Dockers® was preparing for the launch of Smart 360 Flex™ and its Always On marketing campaign, which brought to life the lighthearted message that Dockers® was for the modern workforce who needs to be ready for anything.

With a new campaign platform and innovative product, the brand set out to find more ways to connect with their target consumers in 2018. So, the Dockers® team created the Always On Sessions: a speaker series with the entrepreneur in mind. Dockers® partnered with WeWork, a co-working space, and together hosted events around the globe to help the entrepreneurs of today be ready for anything. The agenda includes a panel of experts digging deep into industry topics, a chance to network, a free headshot to up-level that profile pic and, of course, an awesome pair of khakis.

“The Dockers® brand is rooted in the workplace,” said Jimmy Everett, director of global public relations and engagement for Dockers®. “It is important, 30 years later, to engage with this new, modern workforce.”

Since launch, sessions have been held all over the world, from Berlin to Boston, and have focused on everything from block chain to digital marketing to cryptocurrency. And, of course, every session comes with a little bit of levity – here in the U.S., writer, comedian and blogger Sarah Cooper hosted five of the seven events.

“The center piece is the people,” Jimmy said. “Every single session people came together and were inspired by each other. And Dockers® was at the center of it all.”

The events proved to be a great success, getting more than 1,000 movers and shakers into a pair of Dockers®. Building on 2018’s momentum, the brand plans to evolve Always On Sessions for this year. Stay tuned!