
Getting Out to Vote

Unzipped Staff
Levi Strauss & Co.
November 3, 2020

Today is Election Day for the U.S., the last chance to join with millions of others to cast our votes and make our voices heard. We have spent the better part of this year using our corporate voice and supporting nonprofit partners to drive voter turnout not only with our employees but with eligible voters across this country. We have also encouraged employees to do their part, like volunteering as poll workers – which many are doing now.

As our President and CEO Chip Bergh recently shared with U.S. employees, “Democracy becomes fuller, fairer and more vibrant with each person who takes part.” Americans have been turning out in historically high numbers to vote in this election – please do your part and go vote!

For more, check out these resources and stories:

Find your polling location and other election information at Rock the Vote

Stuck in long lines? Get a special delivery from Pizza to the Polls

Our CEO, Chip Bergh, stresses the importance of voting

Levi Strauss & Co. and 1,700+ companies push for Time to Vote for all

Employees share why they are voting