fashion phoenix

The Fashion Phoenix — A Comeback Story

Unzipped Staff
Levi Strauss & Co.
November 23, 2022

Levi Strauss & Co. turns 170 next year. In the lead up to this milestone anniversary, CEO Chip Bergh and several of our executives had the opportunity to speak with Les Echos Weekend about our history and what Chip and his team have been up to for the past 11 years.

Chip joined LS&Co. in 2011, a time during which the company had seen better days. But Chip understood the dormant potential. He came on to turn the company around, with one goal in mind: revitalize the Levi’s® brand. “My aim was to make it younger, more appealing to women and more responsible, without abandoning its heritage,” Chip told Les Echos Weekend.

Chip and his world-class leadership team got to work bringing the company and its brands firmly back to the center of culture, implementing business strategies — and a few big bets along the way — focused on financial discipline and innovation. Fast forward to today, where we find the Levi’s® brand creating products that appeal to every generation and sales up from $4.6 billion to $5.8 billion at the close of 2021.

A success story, no doubt. But, as Chip shared with Les Echos Weekend, “We’re only just getting started.”

Check out the full piece (English translation available here) to read more about our comeback story and see how we’re setting up for the next 170 years.