A desert landscape setting with golden yellow florals and brush in the foreground and rolling brown hills with blue sky in the background.

LS&Co. Ranks No. 1 in CITI 2023

Levi Strauss & Co.
October 19, 2023

Today, the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) released its annual Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI), which measures environmental transparency and supply chain practices in China. Levi Strauss & Co. once again ranked No. 1 in both the textile industry and overall, topping both rankings for the third year in a row.

IPE is internationally recognized as the leading voice in China on environmental sustainability in manufacturing. Every year, the institute works with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to compile and release the CITI, which ranks more than 600 global companies with sourcing in China. The index ranks companies according to measures of efficacy and transparency on efforts to reduce emissions within their supply chain. The index highlights several of the ways LS&Co. works with our suppliers to reach our targets on climate and water, publicly reported on in our annual sustainability report.

“We’re pleased to achieve a top ranking in the IPE CITI index for the third year in a row,” said Jeffrey Hogue, chief sustainability officer at LS&Co. “We continue to improve how we manage an efficient and sustainable supply chain and are proud to see that momentum reflected in the index.”

IPE also released its annual Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) which ranks corporate efforts to reduce emissions in key priority areas and disclose progress. This year, LS&Co. again scored within the top 10 across all industries and ranked fifth for the textile industry.

Check out our latest sustainability report to learn more about our sustainability strategy and progress we’ve made toward achieving our goals.