Eight months pregnant Line Leader, Maly Thorn, at work. “Before joining CARE’s training, I didn’t know anything about contraceptive methods, that’s why I got pregnant twice!” She says. “But now, after I have my second baby, I will start protecting myself”. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Mar. 13, 2018. © CARE / Erika Piñeros


The Levi Strauss Foundation: 2023 Year in Review

Levi Strauss & Co.
February 7, 2024

For more than 70 years, the Levi Strauss Foundation (LSF) has embraced the energy and events of our time by supporting community partners who embody Levi Strauss & Co.’s values — originality, empathy, integrity and courage. Today, LSF outfits the movements and leaders fighting for a just and abundant world in the four key areas of democracy, immigrant rights, reproductive justice and worker rights and well-being.

In 2023, the foundation provided $9.3 million to more than 90 community partners in communities around the globe where LS&Co. has a business presence. Read on to see a few more of their highlights from the year.

Focusing the Work

Last year, in addition to focusing work around its four core issue areas, LSF prioritized supporting community partners that employ one (or more) of four cross-cutting themes: policy and systems change, leadership, strong organizations and communications and narrative change. These approaches are informed by best practices in the sector and are considered essential for fostering true social change. A commitment to racial and gender justice is the common thread running through all of the foundation’s work.

Winding Down After Four Decades of Learning

After four decades and tens of millions of dollars in investments, LSF wound down its HIV/AIDS grant-making program in 2023. Given the significant increase in the HIV/AIDS funding environment over the years, the foundation believes that shifting its focus and investing in the core program areas noted above will achieve a greater impact.

While LSF will no longer directly support the issue, years of engagement in the HIV/AIDS field have had a lasting effect on how LSF does its work. To capture these learnings, LSF developed the HIV/AIDS Summary Report: Four Decades of Learning report, with the hope that it will help other corporate foundations looking to drive issue-specific impact through their philanthropic efforts.


In early September, Inside Philanthropy, an online publication committed to bringing more transparency and accountability to philanthropy, named LSF one of the most important players in corporate philanthropy today. The outlet is funded almost entirely through user subscriptions and is one of few philanthropy media outlets not funded by the donors and foundations they cover.

“Looking back on 2023, we are incredibly humbled to stand alongside our pioneering community partners who are driving social change in communities around the globe,” said Fatima Angeles, LSF’s executive director. “Looking ahead to 2024, we are eager to learn from our partners and deepen our commitment to advance justice in equity.”

To learn more about the Levi Strauss Foundation and its work this past year, read their 2023 Year in Review report.