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LS&Co. Updates Data and AI Principles

Levi Strauss & Co.
May 13, 2024

Our commitment to ethical business practices is rooted in our history at Levi Strauss & Co. — and we also recognize the need to evolve and adapt with modern trends and advancements. As Generative AI and emerging technologies continue to evolve, we want to make sure we’re embracing innovative technology in a way that protects our data, complies with privacy and other laws, and aligns with our values.

This is why we have established the following Data and AI Principles as part of a guiding framework for employees to engage with exciting advancements like Generative AI while continuing to protect our business assets and the reputation of our brand. These principles will be regularly updated so that they keep up with the development of new technologies and growth of the business.

Our Data and AI Principles are centered on five primary commitments for which all LS&Co. employees are accountable:

Trust and Transparency 

Although new technologies may be designed to perform tasks on their own, this should never mean that they will take on a life of their own. Cooperation and collaboration between technology and humans are essential to achieve the best outcomes. We make sure that humans maintain appropriate control of our systems. 

To preserve and protect the trust placed in us by our consumers, employees and others, we commit to process data and deploy new technologies lawfully and fairly. We will strive to be transparent about data we use and take steps so that data is used only for the purposes for which it was collected. Where practicable, we will identify instances where AI is used in significant ways, such as those that impact fundamental rights like employment, privacy, financial or physical well-being. 

Social Impact 

New technologies shall be designed to reflect our ethical principles, including those across environmental, privacy, data and human rights sectors. Our systems are subject to human oversight and monitoring so that new technologies are used in a way that aligns with human values and needs. 

We believe that new technologies need to be developed and used in a way that is beneficial for the planet and for future generations. We are committed to designing and using our systems in a way that is environmentally responsible and sustainable. 

Fairness and Preventing Bias 

The design and deployment of technologies and processing of data will prioritize protecting human rights to avoid the risks of unfair or unequal outcomes, discrimination, marginalization or stigmatization of individuals. Fairness, in the form of equal access, inclusive design and the ethical impact of technologies, will be maintained through human review and dialogue.  

LS&Co. will seek to work with data sets that are representative of diverse groups (gender, race/ethnicity, class, culture, etc.) and take steps to counter implicit, temporal and sampling bias. Prior to ingestion, data sets will be reviewed for integrity, accuracy and security. Models will be tested in different environments with diverse user populations. Leadership will prioritize diversity across our employee base, as that is shown to reduce the risk of bias. 

Everyone should have access to the benefits of new technologies, regardless of their background or circumstances. We will work to design our systems in a way that is accessible and inclusive for all. 


LS&Co. will cascade these commitments throughout the company and confirm through periodic assessments that they are complied with. Additional policies, procedures and guidelines will be developed as needed to bring these principles into effect. Dilemmas and developments in the field of data ethics will be regularly discussed by senior leadership, who will also be responsible for decisions regarding our strategic deployment and adoption of new technologies. 

Privacy and Security 

Because of the potential risks to individuals and the complexity of data protection laws, particular care must be taken when working with personal information, including minimizing the amount of identifying information used, adopting security standards, adhering to retention schedules and avoiding unauthorized disclosure, use or loss.  

Where personal information has been rendered un-identifiable, techniques to “re-identify” it should not be taken without prior consent.  

We will design and use new technologies with privacy in mind, and in a manner designed to comply with all relevant data protection regulations. Individuals will be provided with clear information about how their personal data is being used. Our Privacy Policy will include current and accurate information about our use of data, AI and other processing of personal information.