Categories for Business

Chip Bergh Joins RILA BoardChip Bergh Joins RILA Board

Today, the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) welcomed our own CEO, Chip Bergh, to its board of directors at its semiannual…

Blog Entry - Business - May 8, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Next Key Business StepsCOVID-19 Update: Next Key Business Steps

Over the past several months, the world has felt the inconceivable impact of COVID-19. The human toll is devastating, and…

Blog Entry - Business - April 7, 2020

LS&Co. Commits $3 Million to COVID-19 ResponseLS&Co. Commits $3 Million to COVID-19 Response

The following abridged message was originally shared with employees today from our President and CEO, Chip Bergh.  As our communities around the…

Blog Entry - Business - April 2, 2020