Categories for Values

Celebrating 20 Years in South AfricaCelebrating 20 Years in South Africa

Twenty years ago, LS&Co. became one of the first multinational companies to enter post-Apartheid South Africa. Encouraged by the political…

Blog Entry - Uncategorized - December 10, 2014

Visiting Coca-Cola Company ArchivesVisiting Coca-Cola Company Archives

A recent visit to the Coca-Cola Company Archives in Atlanta, Georgia inspired, delighted, and surprised me, from the sheer size—a…

Blog Entry - Heritage - December 8, 2014

Give Back On #GivingTuesdayGive Back On #GivingTuesday

Congratulations! You made it through Black Friday and Cyber Monday – hopefully with some new pairs of Levi’s® in tow.…

Blog Entry - Values - December 2, 2014