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Levi Strauss & Co.
Work With Us

Our standards for ethics, safety, quality and collaboration

A message from our SVP of Finance Operations and Sourcing

At Levi Strauss & Co., we’re on a mission to change the apparel industry for good. And we know that our valued suppliers are partners on our journey.

We currently have suppliers in more than 50 countries around the world, and regardless of where those suppliers are based, we expect them to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our own corporate ethics and values. I am proud to lead our Global Strategic Sourcing organization, which is responsible for overseeing these relationships and working with our suppliers to deliver the innovative solutions our business needs to fulfill our mission to be the best apparel company in the world.

We operate in a dynamic and innovative marketplace, and it’s our goal to ensure the highest standards of ethics, safety, quality and collaboration with our supplier partners. We expect our suppliers to share our commitments to cost leadership, value delivery and mutual growth aligned through our ethos of profits through principles.

We are providing the information below to help potential and existing suppliers understand our current policies as well as how to do business with LS&Co.

— Pavan Pamidimarri, SVP, Finance Operations and Sourcing

Supplier Environmental and Social Governance

At LS&Co., we take responsibility for the social and environmental footprint of our products and operations, and we are always looking for ways to do better by both our planet and people.

Although we have long had Terms of Engagement for our direct suppliers that outline the labor standards we expect them to uphold in line with our values, we know that to have the positive impact we seek to have, we need to partner with our suppliers of indirect goods and services as well.

To that end, we are requiring all businesses we work with to attest that they will operate in accordance with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

If you are a current LS&Co. vendor and have not received a copy of the code of conduct for signature, or if you have any questions about our program, please email

Our EcoVadis Partnership

The first step on our social and environmental journey with our indirect supplier partners is to develop transparency around their corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. This includes practices related to the environment, ethics, labor and human rights, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion.

To help us do this, we are partnering with EcoVadis — a global company that evaluates CSR performance based on international standards — to conduct individual sustainability performance assessments of our indirect supplier partners.

We are asking suppliers that are directly linked to our CSR and diversity goals to register on the EcoVadis platform and take the assessment.

Once suppliers complete the assessment, they will receive a sustainability scorecard from EcoVadis with detailed insights into their strengths along with areas for improvement. They will be able to use this scorecard to develop their company’s own sustainability journey and to communicate their achievements and progress. These results will be incorporated into our sourcing activity, and it is our intention that going forward our preference will be to source from partners who have completed the assessment.

For more information about the assessment, the EcoVadis terms and conditions and associated fees, please visit the LS&Co. page on the EcoVadis site.

Doing Business With LS&Co.

Our Procure-to-Pay (P2P) System

In 2019, LS&Co. announced that we are partnering with Tradeshift as our procure-to-pay system for indirect suppliers. This system is now live in France, Mexico and Canada and will continue to roll out to all countries LS&Co. operates in over the coming years.

Invoicing Us

Unless paid by credit card, virtually all purchases by LS&Co. require a purchase order. Only the following categories are exempt from this requirement:

  • Contingent Labor
  • Contributions/Grants/Donations
  • HR/Benefits
  • Freight (non-distribution)
  • Government Agencies (Taxes/Regulatory Payments)
  • Telecom
  • Utilities
Getting Paid

Payment Terms: LS&Co. payment terms policies vary by region:

  • Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland): 30 days from date of invoice.
  • Rest of Europe and U.K.: 60 days from date of invoice.
  • Rest of world: 90 days from date of invoice.

Any requests for deviations from these standard terms must be submitted by the supplier’s primary business contact at LS&Co. on their behalf. Approval is by exception only, and suppliers may be asked to provide further information.

Supply Chain Finance Programs: In some countries, we offer a Supply Chain Finance Program in conjunction with our partners at HSBC. This program provides suppliers with early access to their funds due, using their short-term trading liability (invoice) as security. Suppliers must enter into a contractual relationship with HSBC to have payment processed through HSBC.

With this program, invoices are submitted to LS&Co. for approval as usual. Once they’re approved, notification is sent to HSBC, and HSBC then advances the money to the supplier in return for a sliding scale of discount on the invoice value. LS&Co. settles the invoice to HSBC at maturity.

If you would like to find out more about our Supply Chain Finance Program, please email

Payment Questions: If you have any questions about payment, as a first step we ask that you reach out to your primary business contact at LS&Co. as their approval of your invoice is the first step in the payment process. If they confirm they have approved your invoice, please email the appropriate mailbox for your location:

If you are a new LS&Co. supplier and this is our first transaction with you, please ensure that your business has responded to our penny test on your account. As a supplier you must respond to this directly before your account can be unblocked for transacting.