
Eureka! Discover Our Innovation Lab

Levi Strauss & Co.
February 17, 2017

We’re officially taking you behind the creative curtain.

Levi’s® has launched the online Eureka Innovation Lab 360° Experience, an interactive behind-the-scenes view of the brand’s denim atelier of the future.

The lab, established in San Francisco in 2013, is dedicated to design, research and creative development, and creating advanced prototypes — like the Levi’s® Commuter™ Trucker jacket we designed with Google ATAP’s Project Jacquard technology woven in.

“I think we realized when we built Eureka a few years ago, we had an opportunity to define the future,” said Bart Sights, VP of Technical Innovation.

Now, for the first time, you will have a chance to take a virtual tour throughout the innovation facility. It is an environment where creativity knows no boundaries — where the brand experiments with fit, finishing and fabric. From industrial-sized washing machines to a laser machine to inflatable legs that jeans are fitted onto so they can be sanded for the perfect wear patterns, you can see it all as you explore the lab.

Throughout the immersive experience, you can click through hotspots not only to reveal insights into the innovation, know-how and craftsmanship that go into the development of a pair of jeans, but also to learn the stories of the people behind the brand and their creative journey in curating a collection.

You can also view our latest product launches, including the new 501® Skinny, and shop the collection as you learn and interact with the online experience.

Explore the Eureka Innovation Lab now.