
Congratulations Malala: A Modern Day Pioneer Supporting Girls’ Education

Levi Strauss & Co.
October 13, 2014

Our hats go off to Malala Yousafzai, who on Friday became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Honored for her activism for girls’ education, Malala has been a tireless crusader for girls’ education. In her acceptance speech, she urged “voiceless children” everywhere to “stand up for their rights.”

The award not only increases visibility for the abuses being committed globally against girls, but also indicates recognition of significant problems that still need to be addressed.

It’s these very issues — of human rights and social justice — that we focus on supporting through the Levi Strauss Foundation (LSF). To date, we’ve contributed more than $200 million to organizations that support women and girls globally, through work with organizations like Global Fund for Women and Mercado Global.

But there is still much progress to be made.

Fearless pioneers like Malala will be the ones leading the charge. It’s this type of courageous risk-taking we believe will be essential to finding solutions that create a more just and peaceful world.


Image Credit: Steven Depolo via Flickr CC