Now trending – authenticity.
For many people, the coolest finds in fashion today requires digging deep into the past.
Vintage clothing continues to stay in style among aficionados looking for true authenticity in their wardrobes, and there’s arguably no item of clothing more authentic than a pair of original Levi’s® jeans. But it definitely comes at a price. Think thousands of dollars.
“Levi’s® is the holy grail. It’s the Ferrari of denim,” Canadian vintage dealer Kirby Fisher told CBC News this week.
You may be paying for that Ferrari of denim, but you’re getting the classic Mustang of jeans.
“Levi’s® jeans are the original, the authentic, the blueprint for all blue jeans today,” Levi Strauss & Co. Historian Tracey Panek told CBCNews. “They are iconic and we’ve got fans everywhere from here in San Francisco to Mumbai, India, so you can imagine there are a lot of people who have a passion for it.”
As Fisher pointed out, part of the thrill of a vintage find is its history, and the Levi’s® brand has 143 years to boast about. While you’re not apt to find a pair from the original lot of 501s®, there are plenty of fits that are universally recognized as collector items among denimheads. This includes those blues rocking a red tab with a capital “E” in Levi’s® which date back to fits prior to 1972, and selvedge details that mark pre-1980s jeans.
It’s all in the details, and when it comes to doing vintage right, authenticity is in.
Read the full CBC News story here.

Uncovering the Ultimate in Vintage Finds
June 8, 2016